The main features of Bhakti include:

  • Chanting Of Hare Krishna Mantra
  • Hearing
  • Eating prasadam
  • Associating with devotees
  • Serving in the temple
  • Deity worship

ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is a Vaishnavite Hindu organization that places great emphasis on the practice of bhakti-yoga, or the yoga of devotion. The main features of bhakti according to ISKCON are:

  1. Chanting of the holy name: ISKCON places great emphasis on the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, which is considered the most powerful means of achieving spiritual awakening and developing a personal relationship with God.
  2. Hearing: Hearing helps to purify the mind. In the practice of bhakti, it is essential to purify the mind and heart of material desires and attachments. By hearing the messages of the sacred texts and the teachings of spiritual teachers, one can gradually purify their consciousness and develop a deeper connection with God.
  3. Loving devotion to God: Bhakti focusses on developing a deep and loving relationship with God, who is understood to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna.
  4. Surrender: A key aspect of bhakti is surrendering oneself to God’s will and accepting His guidance in all aspects of life. This is seen as the path to spiritual liberation and the ultimate goal of human existence.
  5. Service to God: Bhakti involves actively serving God in various ways, such as by engaging in devotional activities, performing acts of kindness, and helping others to develop their own relationship with God.
  6. Spiritual community: ISKCON emphasizes the importance of living in a spiritual community, where members can support and encourage each other in their devotion to God.
  7. Sacred texts: Bhakti involves studying and reflecting on the sacred texts of Hinduism, such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam, which provide guidance and inspiration for the practice of devotion.
Preacher - Krishna Consciousness at ISKCON KRPURAM | + posts

Veni Madhava dasa is a prominent spiritual leader and head of the ISKCON KRPURAM, who has been spreading the joy of god consciousness for 15 years. He dedicates his life to promoting bhakti-yoga and presenting the teachings of Bhagavad Gita in ways that people from all walks of life can understand and appreciate. Veni Madhava dasa's mission is to bring true happiness into people’s lives by infusing them with spiritual knowledge and insight. He is an inspiration to many in his efforts to cultivate a sense of both spirituality and practical satisfaction in individuals across the world.

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